For more information on Fraud Protection, please contact The Bank of Tampa nearest you
Our top priority is your protection. ACH and Positive Pay work to protect you against fraudulent activity while transferring funds. Other security features include:
- Secure access devices such as tokens to protect your Commercial Banking login process.
- Added layers of authentication including encryption, firewalls, and unique identifiers that protect your personal information.
Other Best Practices to Help Maintain Financial Security
- Reconcile your accounts frequently (daily is optimal).
- Secure bank statements when not in use.
- Implement ACH Debit Blocking on accounts that should never receive electronic debits.
- Implement Reverse Positive Pay on accounts that should never issue checks.
- Use safety features on your check stock and store blank checks in a secure place when not in use.
- Secure cancelled check stock, including images of cancelled checks, and destroy remotely deposited checks within 14 days of deposit.
- Purchase your check stock only from known vendors.
- Establish separate accounts for credit and debit activity.

Our Online Education Center provides highly informative video tutorials covering a wide range of business and personal products and services offered by The Bank of Tampa, as well as the latest information on identity theft protection and the safeguard measures you can take to protect yourself and your business.